newsletter #06

– Spam emails that ask for passwords DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR EMAIL PASSWORD TO ANYONE; not even to the Espiv crew. This is a very serious matter! Oftentimes people give out their password to incoming emails that are completely spam bullshit. We have repeated this many times already: no one should give out their email password to anyone! No one must give out their email password; not under any circumstances; not even to (people that appear to be) the Espiv crew. We are trying very hard to eliminate spam messages, but it is not so simple, nor can we...

To Athens Indymedia και ο 98fm βρίσκονται υπό καταστολή (αναδημοσιευση)

The repression shall not pass! Three of the contrainformation media of the antagonistic movement,, radio 98FM and Radio Entasi and those which were hosted in the current server, since Thursday 11/4 are facing state repression. After pressuring inquiries of the state attorney, internet connection was down. In a period where the whole of this society finds it difficult even to breath, due to the harsh economic, political and social repression, smaller or larger resistances, struggles of the workers, give courage and hope, pass on the flaming signals of revolution, inspire and plant the seeds of subversive and radical ideas...

How to backup a blog

By the following steps, you can take a backup of your blog’s posts and comments, preserving their publication dates, as well as authors, categories and tags. From the dashboard, go to Tools -> Export Choose “All content” or check the appropriate boxes to backup only the content of your choice. Then hit the “Download export file” button and save the file on your computer. The file you saved is your blog’s backup. The media files you might have uploaded on your blog are not backed up with this process. You’ll have to download them manually if you need to back...

How to backup a forum

Go to Admin → Maintenance → Forum Maintenance In the area «Forum Maintenance – Backup Database» hit the «Download» button at the right side of the bottom of the page. Save the file into your computer and you’re ready. The file you saved is a backup of the forum’s database. It doesn’t contain attached files, photos, etc. You’ll have to download these manually.

Εμπρησμός από φασίστες στο Xanadu

On Saturday, December 22nd, at dawn, the open social space Xanadu (operating since 2009 in the city of Xanthi) received a fascist attack. Fascists attempted to destroy the open social space Xanadu with arson, causing serious material damages and endangering the lives of neighbours. They failed to destroy the building. We have already begun the restoration works, so the Xanadu will open again soon. This attack comes as an expansion of the ongoing targeting against the Xanadu by specific parastatal agents over the last period. They won’t stop us because we’re not intimidated by them. We will continue to be...