Newsletter Ιανουάριος 2018

This is the last newsletter for 2017 on behalf of the
collective. Read on to find some useful information!

The importance of your “backup email” (once again)

Backup email is the email address you gave when you asked for an espiv
email account and where you received the
connection details for your shiny new espiv account. On this particular
address, the backup email, is where we’re goind to send you instructions
on how to recover your espiv account in case you forget your passphrase.

If you want to change your currently set backup email to a different
address, you may do so by visiting .

We urge you to immediately go and check your current backup email as
seen in and make sure that you actually have
access (can login) to this backup email. Remember that for us this
address is our only way to verify that you own a particular espiv email
account. So losing access to your backup email and forgetting your espiv
passphrase may result to completely losing your espiv email.

 Financial review for 2017


Cybrigade is funded by its members, as well as other solidarity teams
and individuals.

Balance from 2016: 485€
Contributions from members: 1274€

Sum: 1759€


Servers: 734€
Certificates: 240€
Funding to other infrastructures: 240€
Stickers: 52€
Posters: 125€

Sum: 1391€



Rainloop, a new web client for espiv mail

Around two months ago we deployed a new, friendly web client for espiv
email. Rainloop, as this new client is called, may be accessed at . You may give rainloop a try instead of the
“classic” Roundcube that we still offer at Among
other things, Rainloop features a mobile-friendly theme. Although we
don’t encourage using mobile phones for activism we do know that some of
you still use these daemonic devices.

Happy new year ya all!

Categorized as , news

How do i change my email password?

Follow these steps to change your email password:

– Connect to (Check here about
– Fill in the username field with your email (e.g.
– Fill in your password
– Insert your new password twice (new and verify)


Categorized as webmail, howtos

Ι have purchased a domain and want to enable it for my blog, what do I need to do.

At the DNS setting for your domain (most providers provide such settings), you have to add an A record and a CNAME record. The A record needs to point to the IP and the CNAME has to forward the www.YOURdomain to the plain domain you purchased.

Lets check out an example in which the new domain is domain.tld.

The A record has to have the domain name entry empty, the IP address entry needs to be, as you can see in the picture.

The CNAME record should have as hostname/alias www and for destination domain.tld.

You also have to enable at espivblogs the wpmu domain mapping plugin and from tools -> domains add the domain.tld and the www.domain.tld as domains, without changing the primary domain.

Having done the above, inform us so we can do the necessary changes on our server.


Παρουσίαση-συζήτηση: “Περί αποκέντρωσης και άλλων δαιμονίων”

Παρουσίαση της μπροσούρας “Περί αποκέντρωσης και άλλων δαιμονίων” και συζήτηση για την αποκέντρωση των κινηματικών υποδομών.

Οι υποδομές του κινήματος μπορούν να νοηθούν ως τα θεμέλια αλλά και οι μοχλοί του. Οι καταλήψεις και τα τυπογραφεία. Τα ραδιόφωνα και τα ιντερνετικά εγχειρήματα. Ομάδες αλληλοβοήθειας, αυτομάθησης και αυτοάμυνας σε γειτονιές. Δεν χρειαζόμαστε απλά περισσότερα, χρειαζόμαστε έναν γαλαξία από αυτόνομες αυτοοργανωμένες δομές. Η αποκέντρωσή τους, ως έμπρακτη κατάργηση του συγκεντρωτισμού, μας θωρακίζει απέναντι στην κρατική καταστολή καθώς μειώνει τα μοναδικά σημεία αποτυχίας. Ενισχύει την διαφορετικότητα, την πολυμορφία και τον πλουραλισμό, στοιχεία απαραίτητα στις απαντήσεις που δίνουμε κοινωνικά. Συνυφαίνει ένα ισχυρότερο πλαίσιο τεχνογνωσίας και συνεργασίας μεταξύ μας. Και μας βοηθά να κλιμακώσουμε τα εγχειρήματά μας δίχως να διαβρώνει τον αντιιεραρχικό χαρακτήρα τους.

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