What is our.espiv.net?

our.espiv.net is a new tool which enables users to manage their email account without help from the espiv.net admins. You now have the ability to change your password as well as your backup email. If you don’t remember your password you can reset it using the “Forgot your password?” button. An email with instructions on… Continue reading What is our.espiv.net?

Categorized as our espiv

How do I migrate my joomla site to espivblogs?

The migration of the content of a Joomla site becomes fairly easy by using the “FG Joomla to WordPress” plugin. The requested steps are the following:      We activate the “FG Joomla to WordPress” plugin. On the Dashboard of espivblogs we click Tools → Import → Joomla(FG). If we don’t have a blog in espiv,… Continue reading How do I migrate my joomla site to espivblogs?

Categorized as Joomla, howtos

Is it possible to automatically forward my emails to other accounts?

There is no way to forward emails to other email providers, there is no such possibility, nor is it a future plan. At espiv we take the security and secrecy of communications very seriously, and we have implemented a series of features towards that direction and for the mail service that we provide, so we… Continue reading Is it possible to automatically forward my emails to other accounts?