Newsletter Ιανουάριος 2018

This is the last newsletter for 2017 on behalf of the collective. Read on to find some useful information! The importance of your “backup email” (once again) Backup email is the email address you gave when you asked for an espiv email account and where you received the connection details for your shiny new espiv account. On this particular address, the backup email, is where we’re goind to send you instructions on how to recover your espiv account in case you forget your passphrase. If you want to change your currently set backup email to a different address, you...

Παρουσίαση-συζήτηση: “Περί αποκέντρωσης και άλλων δαιμονίων”

Παρουσίαση της μπροσούρας “Περί αποκέντρωσης και άλλων δαιμονίων” και συζήτηση για την αποκέντρωση των κινηματικών υποδομών. Οι υποδομές του κινήματος μπορούν να νοηθούν ως τα θεμέλια αλλά και οι μοχλοί του. Οι καταλήψεις και τα τυπογραφεία. Τα ραδιόφωνα και τα ιντερνετικά εγχειρήματα. Ομάδες αλληλοβοήθειας, αυτομάθησης και αυτοάμυνας σε γειτονιές. Δεν χρειαζόμαστε απλά περισσότερα, χρειαζόμαστε έναν γαλαξία από αυτόνομες αυτοοργανωμένες δομές. Η αποκέντρωσή τους, ως έμπρακτη κατάργηση του συγκεντρωτισμού, μας θωρακίζει απέναντι στην κρατική καταστολή καθώς μειώνει τα μοναδικά σημεία αποτυχίας. Ενισχύει την διαφορετικότητα, την πολυμορφία και τον πλουραλισμό, στοιχεία απαραίτητα στις απαντήσεις που δίνουμε κοινωνικά. Συνυφαίνει ένα ισχυρότερο πλαίσιο τεχνογνωσίας...

Regarding phishing attempt to retrieve email passwords

We noticed that in the last hours a phishing email was sent to a lot of espiv email addresses. The malicious email was inducing users to login to check for new email messages. However the link to login was in a third party server, and it was not The webpage that it lead to, was identical with the login page of espiv webmail. In case somebody tried to login at this page, the malicious site would have in their possession, the credentials of this user. You should not, in any case, try to login at this site. Always check...

Newsletter February 2017

Hey everybody and happy new year! In cybrigade (the administrative group behind & we constantly try to communicate every change and improvements we make to our services, along with helpful instructions on how to use them. Lately, we’ve kind of neglected that, but we promise hope to come back. With that in mind, read the newsletters that we send and provide us with feedback/questions/suggestions (to; this will surely benefit us all. [Table of contents] 0. Newsletters available in Mailbox 1. Mailing lists without administrators 2. Mailing lists and Yahoo emails 3. Mail quotas 4. Auto redirect webmail...

Newsletter February 2016

Greetings everyone, following our last newsletter, we would like to inform you that after the merge of and[1], there is the possibility to choose whichever domain you wish between the two ( or when composing a hosting request to create a blog. For the time being though you cannot create mails and mailing lists. [Mixed content] For some time now, the browsers have been blocking what is called “mixed content”, namely when there is http element (say a picture) on an https page, and it is a common problem on the web. To get around this... and under same administration collective and are now under the same administration collective. Both groups were always in close communication exchanging knowledge/expertise and were both supporting each other by technical means. Besides the geographical adjacency, we, “people” from both groups, share the same political values, placing ourselves into the competitive/antiauthoritarian/anticapitalist movement. Recently, we decided to unify our infrastructures due to reduced people dynamics in one of the projects. From now on, a unified administration collective, cybrigade (espiv), will be responsible for both projects. At the moment, basic services that we are offering will remain as-is. However, terms of services will change to the...

October 2015 Newsletter

Hello to everyone! -New webpage- As you may already have seen, our site has been upgraded. Our new webpage is now also hosted on espivblogs multisite, alongside the vast majority of groups hosted on the server. This transfer was deemed necessary for technical upgrade reasons, and is part of our overall effort to move all of our websites into espivblogs multisite. This effort concerns both new blogs and many of the older ones hosted outside of multisite. The basic features of our site remain the same. You can submit a request for services in the same way as...

New safe connection certificates for and

Hello! In we are using only encrypted TLS connections for all services. The certificates issued for these services come with an expiration date and renewal is required. As of today, 5 July 2015 all espiv services use the newly issued certificates, two wildcard certificates are being used one for the domain and one for our blogs domain Please make sure that you are using only safe connection protocols (such as HTTPS) with the following certificate fingerprints: (Common Name * SHA256 Fingerprint B6:EE:9A:3E:9D:41:68:C9:06:FF:CA:85:0A:1E:7E:36:11:7F:DE:35:E0:37:A3:C7:E8:DF:A1:7C:43:2B:B6:DE SHA1 Fingerprint 9D:64:5B:B0:4A:99:BE:34:CB:FF:8E:FC:89:80:2C:DE:45:3B:74:67 (Common Name * SHA256 Fingerprint C3:A6:30:4E:AC:61:C2:6E:73:BF:48:5B:D2:51:5B:EB:21:A2:96:8B:7C:19:4D:0E:88:16:65:40:E1:BD:85:F4 SHA1 Fingerprint 6C:32:01:E8:A5:9B:BC:F0:ED:C1:46:8B:3B:16:0F:69:D8:8E:78:39 This...

Recovery of services update

Αs of 01/06/2015, espivblogs are up and running. The rest of the services that still require our care, will be unavailable for a little while: all wordpress, joomla and drupal websites file sharing service We’ll do our best to keep downtime period short and make our services again accessible. This maintenance did not affect: espiv email service espiv mailing lists Thanks in advance for your understanding and support, collective